Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fourth of July at the Farm!

I know, I know, I have been extremely bad about keeping the Nagy blog up to date- it's been forever!! Things have just been really crazy but also really awesome. I went back to work at the end of June and all the adjustments have been going great. Hayden loves her school up the street and Chris and I have managed to master the logistics of drop off/pick up, commuting, working, feeding the little monkey and making dinner. Boy, it's nuts, but going great.

We spent the fourth of July up at the Nagy farm- it was a blast! We had a huge group of family and friends for a BBQ (semi in the rain- doh!) with yummy food, drinks, and an incredible fireworks display put on my Chris and his friends- like we'd expect anything less. We even got to go midnight gokarting on the farm- it was awesome....and we had our camper set up so Hayden was able to nap and chill out in the warmth while her crazy parents rode go karts and hung with friends- great times- and luckily the rain only lasted a little while.

Here is our first fourth of july family shot...Hayden was all decked out in her red, white, and blue!

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